Daniel Tolson; Why Self-Awareness is the Critical First Step to Greater Emotional Intelligence

person-iconby Ed Parcaut calender-icon28 Sep, 2022


One of the most positive things to come out of the pandemic is that people finally started to ask themselves some very important questions:
Does my current job align with my life’s purpose? 

  • Do I find fulfillment and value in my current career? 
  • What would I want to do for a career if I wasn’t doing this? 

These three questions may seem harmless at first glance, but study them closely — with intent — and you begin to see their complex, even life-altering effects. 

Whether people asked these very questions or ones like them, questions like these were the catalyst to what some call The Great Resignation.

In the midst of challenging times, we reflect on our lives and our choices — and that’s not a bad thing. Reflecting on our choices gives us a chance to pause our current reality and ask if it’s even the one we really want. 

On the latest episode of the Inner Edison Podcast with Ed Parcaut, we spoke about emotional intelligence, and why it’s essential to understand yourself and others. 

We spoke with Daniel Tolson, an internationally recognized Business Coach on a mission to help 1 million businesses catapult their influence, accelerate their impact, and unleash new income levels. 

Through Daniel’s FREE Unleashed Masterclass, you can pinpoint what’s holding you back from success on your journey to greater self-awareness. 

What’s Holding You Back? 

It’s a simple question, but not so easy to answer. 

While many may have opinions about what’s holding them back from success in their life, most of the time, these are just theories that often leave “US” out of the equation.

The culture at my job is toxic. 

  • My boss doesn’t recognize my value. 
  • No one is promoting people in their 40s, 50s, etc.

Can you feel the powerlessness in these statements? 

They bury two problems. First, they bury our own responsibility for our circumstances. Last, they shield us from our inner fears. 

Daniel states, “We spend the first 50 years of our life trying to get over our first 5 years.” 

That means people are failing to see what’s stopping them from growth, change, and transformation. 

Each phrase from above provides clues to our inner fears: 

  • The culture at my job is toxic. (fear of confrontation)
  • My boss doesn’t recognize my value. (fear of failure)
  • No one is promoting people in their 40s, 50s, etc. (fear of rejection)

A lack of self-awareness of our innermost fears and limiting beliefs hold us back from real transformation. 

Self-Awareness Is a Catalyst for Transformation!  

Tolson describes how self-awareness is key to developing greater emotional intelligence, and how it applies to success: 

“Your future intent determines present action. If you don’t know what you want for your future – if you aren’t aware of your aims, your goals, and your objectives – then you don’t have a future.”

He goes on to explain that without true self-awareness, it’s hard to move forward. At this stage, most people end up procrastinating due to a lack of clarity. 

However, Daniel emphasizes that once you have self-awareness, your future begins to take shape and success is virtually inevitable.

“Once you get clarity on your future – what you want for your finances, for your health, for your family – that’s when you find your motivation. So get clear on your goals and clear on your future, and then you’ll find it’s easy to take small steps every day.” 

Are You Ready to Make a Change? 

Greater awareness makes you a better friend, colleague, and leader. If you’re looking to gain greater insight into the things that are holding you back from success, it’s time to sign up for the Income Unleashed Masterclass

In this 2-hour masterclass, you’ll receive FREE TRAINING that was once only available to top executives. 

You’ll learn how to: 

  • Stop self-sabotaging personal successes
  • Overcome crippling procrastination and perfectionism
  • Identify and destroy beliefs that create an income ceiling
  • Immediately boost self-confidence and self-esteem levels 
  • Increase motivation to achieve work and personal goals faster

Click to reserve your spot for this FREE Masterclass

As always, if you’re looking for more great interviews about business, entrepreneurship, and more, please check out the Inner Edison Podcast with Ed Parcaut.