MJC – Workforce – Development – DrVickieTrask – Ed – Marlene – 4-2-3 – 2022

person-iconby Ed Parcaut calender-icon05 Apr, 2022

Better Jobs for More Pay OR Better Training for More Profit? How about BOTH? Dr. Vickie Mulvaney Trask, Dean, Workforce Development & Life Long Learning at MJC describes the program at MJC that has been a career lifetime goal of hers and the Dept, to provide certification programs in the trades i.e. (welders, teachers assistants, dental assistants and more), as well as licensing and C.E. (Continued Education) for Realtors, Loan Officers and training for local companies staff. And develop and ferret out local talent in every work/career opportunity, including Mortgage Lenders. Listen as Dr. Trask describes how she can help Ed develop talent for his own firm, Lending for Living. Reach out to Dr. Trask at (209) 575-6985 Real Estate Jerky airs every Saturday at 12n and Sunday’s at 10a on Power Talk 1360 KFIV. Always something to chew on!