102420 – RELOCATING Nevada or Texas – CourtneyBeauford – JohnButcher

person-iconby Ed Parcaut calender-icon25 Oct, 2020

Considering relocating out of state? This is the show for you! Ed Parcaut, MBA, Veteran, President, Lending for Living, host talks about relocation to the #1 state Californians are relocating to; Texas! With John Butcher, Realtor, The Butcher Group, Frisco, TX and Nevada, the #4 state Californians are relocating to with Courtney Beauford, Realtor, One Realty, Las Vegas, NV. The pros and cons and everything in between. Real Estate Jerky always gives you something to chew on on your way to building personal wealth through home ownership. Every Sat. at 12n & Sun. at 10a on Power Talk 1360 KFIV