Dr Manuel Astruc; The Four Pillars of Happiness

person-iconby Ed Parcaut calender-icon17 Feb, 2021


Recently, we got the opportunity to talk with Dr. Manuel Astruc about the importance of erasing the stigma of mental health and how we can manage and cope with the serious condition of burnout on the Inner Edison Podcast.

Dr. Manuel Astruc has been helping patients in the field of Psychiatry for the past 20 years at his outpatient practice. He draws on his experience as a professional in the field of psychology when working with clients in his coaching business.

He helps entrepreneurs to move past burnout to find a balance in their lives that aligns with building a happy life. In his research, he has devised what he calls the Four Pillars of Happiness. So let’s dive in and see how you can apply them today.

1. We are never finished products.

It’s important to remember that however successful we get, we are never finished products. As a result, it’s essential always to be growing and learning from our experiences.

Many people in business are continually working to achieve the brass ring, but the truth of the matter is people are goal-setting machines. Once we crush one goal, we’re quick to invent another one. Knowing this, it’s essential to have goals that coincide with a happier life as well.

2. We thrive when we feel connected.

More and more research has indicated that people who are well connected with loved ones, friends, colleagues, and the like live much happier, more fulfilling lives.

According to Dr. Manuel Astruc, having a strong connection with a community of people has been linked to success, happiness, and greater health. 

3. You have to blaze your own trail.

Dr. Astruc states the importance of blazing your own trail. Many people become burnt out on their careers because they are the path that was paved for them and not chosen. He states that this leads to burnout because it’s not always connected to your overall passions.

When you blaze your own trail, you learn about what is important to you. Individuals who blaze their own trail learn about themselves, their passions, and their overall potential. The power to live the life you truly want to live is within your grasp, but it starts with understanding what’s important to you and chasing it without being swayed by other’s beliefs.

4. You must commit to enjoy the ride, no matter what.

Happiness is a choice you must make over and over again. Dr. Astruc believes that you must commit to enjoy the ride, no matter what. Happy people choose their response to any situation. Happy people make happiness a priority and don’t allow circumstances to adjust their mood.

By committing to enjoy the ride, you focus on the positive and use your devotion to harness the good in any situation. The ability to choose your response is one of the most powerful tools for building a happy life. When you choose your happiness, no one can take it away from you.

Make Room for Happiness in Your Life

Dr. Manuel Astruc believes that following these four pillars of happiness can create a successful and fulfilling life. These are some of the guideposts he uses in his own coaching business to help entrepreneurs manage burnout, and other workers experience passion fatigue.

If you’re looking for a way to change your mindset and boost the happiness in your life, Dr. Manuel has a list of slots available for a fortunate few. Learn healthy habits of mental fitness, wellbeing, and creating a happy life through his coaching program, Your Next Act.

As always, for more great stories, please continue to check in with the Inner Edison Podcast.